Dr. Tred Rissacher’s standard laser lipo plan is nine-session, three-week treatment schedule that lets your body shed excess fat naturally. While other weight loss methods, including other laser lipo treatments, can cause scarring and continuous discomfort, Dr. Tred’s FDA-cleared system and treatment plans ensure you’ll see very few side effects and still get the results you’re looking for.

The secret to Dr. Rissacher’s laser lipo system is that the laser simply gets your subcutaneous fat cells to release the fat they’re storing. Our bodies deposit extra energy in the form of fat in these cells, which usually reside just under the skin most commonly around our midsections, in our thighs, and other areas. Dr. Rissacher is able to target these areas and shape your body to your ideal size.

laser lipo plan

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Fat Targeting with a Laser Lipo Plan

Fat targeting is one of the best features of Dr. Rissacher’s laser lipo system. Its versatility and mobility allow the device to focus on body areas with the most subcutaneous fat, so if you only need a few inches off your waist, laser lipo is perfect.

Being overweight can be overwhelming. We see new studies and research every day that shows the risks of being too heavy and what that can cause in the long-term. Cardiovascular issues are only the beginning. Overweight adults are also more likely to develop type-2 diabetes, as well as problems with many organs besides the heart. If you find yourself in this position of being overweight and nearing middle age, a laser lipo plan can help.

Reducing fat and body mass can help even the most hopeless middle-aged individuals. The sad truth is that as we age, our bodies break down food at a slower rate, leading to more fat being stored in reserves under our skin. It’s impossible to reverse evolution for our species, but we can use science to help counteract some of the unfortunate side effects of aging. Fat targeting is one way Dr. Rissacher helps his patients reduce weight in their problem areas, leading to a healthier lifestyle by allowing more patients to exercise regularly and build healthy eating habits. It’s easier to do this if you start at a healthy weight.

laser lipo plan

Photo by Taco Fleur on Unsplash

The Slim Body Laser Spa Guarantee

Not everyone is eligible to try Dr. Rissacher’s laser lipo plan. All patients receive a complimentary consultation to determine if their body can respond to the treatment well. Just because a patient isn’t eligible doesn’t mean they necessarily will never be eligible, but for those who are able to receive this treatment, they can expect a minimum of three inches of fat lost from their bodies.

The ability to target specific areas with excellent accuracy is one of the features of Dr. Rissacher’s product that sets it apart from competing laser lipo weight loss treatments on the market. Everyone has parts of their body they’re ashamed of. If you’re trying to hide certain parts of your body because of excess fat, visit Dr. Tred at Slim Body Laser Spa today.