Non-invasive laser lipo is a weight loss method that is becoming more popular as more patients realize how effective it is. Dr. Tred Rissacher developed an FDA-cleared, non-invasive laser lipo method that targets specific areas of the body where subcutaneous fat congregates. The laser targets the fat cells themselves, getting them to release the fat your body stores there naturally.

There are two types of fat in the body. We’ll always need visceral fat, which cushions and supports our internal organs. The other kind is subcutaneous fat, which is stored by the body just under the skin. The problem is, because our species has adapted to store extra energy from food in this way, that subcutaneous fat can become very difficult to lose. It’s not like we can simply tell our bodies that we don’t need that extra fat anymore.

Our bodies naturally burn less of this fat off as we age, which leads to many of us being overweight by age 50, even if we’ve dieted and exercised our whole lives. Dr. Tred’s patients at Slim Body Laser Spa need fast results to stay healthy. Here’s how Dr. Tred’s non-invasive laser lipo method compares to other popular weight loss techniques:

non-invasive laser lipo

Photo by Gesina Kunkel on Unsplash

Non-Invasive Laser Lipo vs. Natural Weight Loss Remedies

Before we look at alternative weight loss methods, you have to understand that diet and exercise will always be important. Dr. Tred has seen far too many patients to keep telling them to exercise more, however, and some diets can be problematic in other ways for patients.

There are hundreds of natural weight loss programs and methods out there, but I want to focus on supplements you can take with your normal diet that are supposed to help burn fat.

Botanical Weight Loss Supplements

Natural ingredients in many of these products like caralluma fimbriata (a succulent native to many parts of Asia) are supposed to suppress appetite and make it easier to not overeat or over-snack. These supplements usually do suppress appetite in many people, but when they forget to take a pill, they may have a food binge that reverses all their weight loss progress. Also, you have to take these supplements every day indefinitely for them to be effective.

Keto Boosters

One problem with diet pills like keto boosters is that people think they can simply take the pills and watch the fat shrink. Most of these keto booster pills are made to supplement a low-carbohydrate diet, so if you take them and ignore the keto diet rules, you won’t see the results you were expecting.

non-invasive laser lipo

Portion Control

It’s always important to control how much you eat. If nothing else, just paying more attention to your diet will always be beneficial to your overall health and weight loss goals. However, you can go too far in this direction. There are plenty of products out there that help you control your portions, and if you become reliant on these products, they can be a lifelong money drain to help you do something you could do on your own.

Non-Invasive Laser Lipo can Help

While you won’t be able to get away from watching what you eat and trying to exercise more, a nine-session, three-week laser lipo treatment can help you lose weight and keep it off permanently. You won’t need to keep buying portion control products or natural weight loss supplements for the rest of your life. Contact Dr. Tred to find out if you’re eligible for this