Maintaining a healthy weight is a struggle for many people. Countless Americans throughout the country go on diets, increase their exercise, and have operations performed to lose weight and keep it off. Many lose a few pounds and then gain it back as soon as their 30-day diet ends. The frustration from this predicament is enough to drive people insane, leading them to procedures like liposuction.

            The laser lipo procedure developed by Dr. Tred Rissacher at Slim Body Laser Spa has been proven effective, able to help most people with their weight issues even after they turn 50 years old when it can become more difficult to lose weight and keep it off for several reasons. This procedure has been proven to help people maintain a healthy weight even when exercise becomes more difficult and metabolism slows.  

healthy weight
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Why Maintaining a Healthy Weight Becomes More Difficult After 50

            A healthy weight means different things to different people. Some people will always be heavier because that’s how their body is. Weight becomes dangerous when people greatly exceed their healthy weight, and other health problems like diabetes and cardiovascular disease come into the picture. While there is no one weight everyone should be at, maintaining a consistent weight is crucial for long-term health.

            The problem for middle-aged people over the age of 50 is that as you age, getting to and staying at a healthy weight becomes more difficult. Our metabolism starts to slow in middle age, meaning your diet has to change to maintain your weight. In middle age, the body starts to break down food into energy at a slower rate, so what was a healthy diet for years won’t be effective in maintaining your weight anymore.

            The other issue is exercise. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that exercise becomes more difficult as we age. Our tendons become more fragile, our muscles less elastic and strong. It’s natural, but even for experienced exercisers, the time comes when your activity level starts to decline.

With an uneven metabolism and greater difficulty in getting out for some cardio, it’s no wonder people gain weight as they age. One solution is to change how you exercise to low-impact activities like swimming. Another solution is the laser lipo treatment at Slim Body Laser Spa.

Keeping the Weight Off

            Dr. Tred’s procedure at Slim Body Laser Spa takes the excess weight off in nine laser treatment sessions over three weeks. The procedure essentially trains your fat cells to release the fat they hold just under the skin, flushing the fat out through your body naturally.

            Since this laser lipo procedure at Slim Body Laser Spa is a gradual process, it helps keep the weight off with minimal exercise and without the need for an extreme diet. To learn more about how Dr. Tred can help you maintain a healthy weight even after age 50, contact Slim Body Laser Spa in Stuart, Florida today.