Losing weight has never been easy for anyone. When you reach age 50, it can become impossible, even with diet and exercise. But there are options for middle aged people struggling with weight loss: the Ultimate Laser Weight System created by Dr. Tred Rissacher, a veteran laser lipo expert in Stuart, Florida.

            The problem that most people run into when they try to lose weight isn’t that they’re weak-willed or secretly don’t want to make the sacrifices needed to make that happen. When people struggle with this, it’s because they try diets and exercises that aren’t optimized for their bodies. Everyone’s body is different, and while there are some diets out there that appear to work for almost everyone, there will always been extenuating circumstances in all our lives that prevent us from getting the results we want.

ultimate laser weight system

Photo by Gesina Kunkel on Unsplash

The Ultimate Laser Weight System is a Solution for Many

            Dieting isn’t what I would call an ‘easy’ activity, but it’s easier when you’re young and your body is a little more responsive to a change in diet and shift to healthy foods. Your metabolism, for one thing, is very responsive when you’re young.

          But as we age, our metabolism starts to slow, which makes it more difficult than ever to keep the pounds off. This is only one piece of the puzzle, but it could mean that what worked for you to lose weight when you were younger won’t work the same way after age 50. Dieting simply won’t work the same way because the process by which your body breaks down food and stores energy is different.

Dr. Tred’s Ultimate Laser Weight System offers a solution to this problem. In only three weeks, the laser system can target problem areas, usually around your midsection, where fat tends to be stored and build up over time, and reduce the fat. The laser targets fat cells and gets them to release the fat they’re holding, which is then flushed naturally out of your body. Because of the way the laser works, you won’t have to worry about sagging skin or scarring. The laser tightens the skin as it works. 

 Photo by Gesina Kunkel on Unsplash

 When Diet and Exercise Aren’t Enough

            Just as dieting can become more difficult and ineffective as we age, exercise also becomes more difficult. Exercise is important, but you have to listen to your body, too. Jogging can become more difficult, painful, and even dangerous after age 50, when our knee joints and tendons become more brittle and at risk for injury. So, in addition to seeking help from Dr. Tred’s Ultimate Laser Weight System, you may need to transition to lower-impact exercises like swimming to preserve your body while still working it out and expending energy.

            Contact Dr. Tred today to see how he can help you lose weight and reduce that pesky belly fat in just three weeks and nine 30-minute sessions.