Girth reduction is not something people want to deal with. Being overweight carries with it a host of unhealthy and inconvenient side effects, from a higher risk of heart disease to a more difficult time fitting into airplane seats. But a more general and more dangerous side effect is the erosion of healthy habits, namely, exercise routines. I’ve written about exercise before a bit, and I realize that it can be difficult to create and stick to a routine that reduces fat and keeps your metabolism working at a healthy rate. One factor that often disrupts exercise routines of all kinds is being uncomfortable with one’s body. If you’re overweight with excess subcutaneous fat around the midsection, for example, it’s more difficult to start running a few miles a day, because that extra fat will not only swing around when you’re moving, causing skin stretching and discomfort, it will press with more weight on your knees, ankles, other joints, and cartilage designed for body movement. When you press more weight on these joints and ligaments, you’ll be at a greater risk of injury. And if you’re injured, you’re not exercising. Girth reduction is a way to not only look and feel better, but also to make it easier to start exercising and developing a personalized exercise routine that fits your body.
Girth reduction

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The Importance of Developing an Exercise Routine

Exercising regularly is a great way to add years to your life, lose weight, and help yourself feel better more consistently. If it was easy to do, however, everyone would do it. You need a certain level of discipline to get anything out of regular exercise. Building a routine is crucial, even if you don’t exercise every single day. Keeping your body on a regular schedule of burning calories will keep you more consistently healthy and at a healthy weight.

How Girth Reduction Keeps you at a Health Weight

Regular exercise helps you maintain a normal metabolism level, even as your metabolism slows as you age. Girth reduction is important in developing an exercise plan because it makes it easier for you to move your body. If you have less girth to move, it will be easier on your entire body.
girth reduction

Photo by Benjamin Klaver on Unsplash

Girth Reduction with Slim Body Laser Spa

Dr. Tred Rissacher developed a fat-targeting, girth-reducing laser weight loss device several years ago. After getting this innovative technology cleared by the FDA and trying the treatment on himself, Dr. Rissacher now offers this cutting-edge service to people who need weight loss solutions on the Treasure Coast of Florida. The Slim Body Laser Spa weight loss system guarantees girth reduction for all approved users, targeting stubborn fat lingering under the skin around your midsection, in your thighs, and other common areas. The lasers cause the fat cells under the skin to release the fat they’re carrying, flushing it naturally through your body. To see how one three-week, nine-session laser weight loss treatment program can help you reach your healthy weight and improve girth reduction, contact Dr. Tred Rissacher at Slim Body Laser Spa today.