Laser lipo is an increasingly popular weight loss option that makes it possible for overweight men and women of any age to shed pounds quickly and healthily without dieting or exercise. A unique laser lipo procedure was developed by Dr. Tred Rissacher, a doctor in Stuart, Florida who spent years struggling with diets and exercise routines before developing a new way to deal with the subcutaneous (under-the-skin) fat that prevents us from buttoning our pants and spills out around our midsections. Dr. Tred suffered from type-2 diabetes. His health, because he couldn’t lose weight, was deteriorating.

Looking for a solution, Dr. Tred created a way to lose that subcutaneous fat without subscribing to any extreme diets or exercise routines. He dropped 30 pounds without starving himself or exercising to exhaustion using his FDA-cleared laser lipo treatment. How?

laser lipo

Photo by Graphic Node on Unsplash

Laser Lipo Targets the Fat

Dr. Tred’s laser weight loss method targets the areas of the body where subcutaneous fat is causing the most problems. For most people, this fat accumulates around the midsection, the arms, and the thighs, but it can build up other places, too. No matter where the problem areas are, Dr. Tred can target that fat with his laser lipo device and take three to nine inches of fat off your frame in only three weeks.

Trust the Process

How does Dr. Tred’s weight loss system work? The lasers don’t burn through your skin or cause scarring. They simply target the fat cells holding excess fat just below your skin and get them to release that fat they’re holding. When the fat itself is released, your body flushes it naturally from your system.

Subcutaneous fat cells are made to save extra energy for when our bodies need it most. It’s an evolutionary process designed to keep us alive during the last Ice Age and when food wasn’t so plentiful for our species. Instead of trying to suck the fat out or get your body to work against itself, Dr. Tred’s treatment reduces fat naturally.

laser lipo

Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

No Exercise or Dieting Needed

The beauty of Dr. Tred’s laser lipo treatment is that you don’t need to work hard to maintain the results. The problem with most diet and exercise programs is that diets need to be followed constantly and indefinitely to keep any weight you may have lost off. It requires a complete change in lifestyle that makes many dieters wonder if it’s worth it. Exercise is good for you in many ways, but for some people, exercising in any kind of consistent way is impossible for people dealing with injuries or working full-time, or are too old to start a strenuous exercise program at this stage in their lives.

Dr. Tred makes it easy to lose weight and keep it off. His laser weight-loss method creates results in only nine 30-minute treatment sessions over three weeks. Call or make an appointment online for a free consultation.