Services Redefine shape sculpt woman bikini

9 Session Laser lipo Plan

  (all inclusive)
My ultimate laser assisted weight loss plan is a 9 session laser plan 3 times per week for 3 weeks.

Unlike surgical lipo suction or a hot laser or the fat freezing procedure which is applied only one time, our Laser Lipo plans require a series of 9 – 30 minute laser sessions followed by whole body vibration treatment. Nutritional evaluation, diet planning (if needed), measurements, digital before and after pictures, 3 inch loss guarantee in 9 sessions, consultation and followup with Dr Rissacher are all included in our plan.

Multiple areas can be treated at the same time depending on your size and which areas you would like to see reduced.

Alumni Program

Since many of our clients come in with many different needs and different sizes one plan does not always fit everyone.

Our solution to this has been learned over several thousand clients.

All clients are required to sign for the initial 9 session plan. This plan handles approximately 70% of our clients desires and goals. However some want more areas and more results following the 9 session plan. At this point, with the doctors approval, a client may be eligible for our ALUMNI program.

Future sessions needed will be based on your response to the laser, not some standard cookie cutter approach which could miss the mark.  After 9 sessions following measurements and before and after pictures it will be obvious to the client, and to me the doctor, how many more sessions you might need to fully handle your particular problem areas.

The Alumni program is an earned perk given to our successful clients which are packages of laser sessions, pre-paid that can be used on various areas as long as the doctor approves these additional areas. The cost for Alumni is 60% less than the initial cost per laser session. Alumni sessions can be used to acheive deeper results from the original area or can be used in other areas or can be used as insurance to maintain your new slimmer look if you fall back and begin to gather weight again. 40% of our clients utilize the Alumni program and are very happy to do so.

Lost 9 inches! 


Lost 7.5 inches! kiss



Lost 8 inches! embarassed


Dr Tred's Slim Body Laser Spa of Stuart 

2311 SE Ocean Blvd Stuart Fl, 34996


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Dr. Tred’s Slim Body Laser Spa


About Dr. Tred



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2311 SE Ocean Blvd Suite A
Stuart Florida 34996
1-866-DR-SLIMBODY Toll Free
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