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Featured: How Brian Corrected His Blood Sugar and HALTED his TYPE II Diabetes With help From Dr Tred
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Developed 10 years ago by Dr Tred himself, his Ultimate Laser Weight System succeeds where traditional diet and exercise can fail. Located on the Treasure Coast of South Florida his office has served over 5000 clients and boasts a success rate of losing 3-9 inches of belly fat in over 90% of his clients.
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Audio PlayerAbout dr tred

Dr. Tred Rissacher went to Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City Mo. and graduated in 1988. He had been in private practice in NY since 1989 and has practiced here in South Florida since 2003.
Dr. Rissacher believes in all things natural and the use of cold lasers to help people get rid of pain and help lose belly fat is in alignment with his principles. Dr. Tred Rissacher has been providing cold laser therapy services for over 12 years in his office.
The Lapex BCS 2000 is an FDA cleared device for pain and inflammation and deep tissue heating for the relief of minor muscle aches, pains and spasms. It is also being used off label to reduce subcutaneous fat. In 9 sessions or three weeks most persons will lose 3-9 inches of belly fat when using the Lapex Lipo Laser.