Dr. Tred Rissacher set up his Slim Body Laser Spa to deliver laser lipo services to people who need to lose weight fast in Southern Florida. Dr. Tred himself struggled with losing weight for years before he found a new solution, a laser lipo device that can target problem areas and reduce fat, giving patients the results they need after only nine sessions over three weeks.

This rapid weight loss system can help people mitigate or rid themselves of symptoms stemming from being overweight. Neuropathy is a common disorder for overweight folks, affecting the nervous system in various ways. There are several types of neuropathy describing damage to different nerves or nervous system components, but the most common symptoms involve overly sensitive nerves, chronic pain, and problems with the sensation of touch.

How Common is Neuropathy?

Most people who suffer from neuropathy have diabetes or have blood flow issues because of fat build-ups in the arteries. Of the 30 million Americans who have peripheral neuropathy, the most common type affecting the peripheral nervous system, 60% are diabetic, according to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. It’s also estimated that 60% to 70% of diabetics have some form of neuropathy.

slim body laser spa

Photo by Ronit Shaked on Unsplash

Home Treatments for Neuropathy

Chances are, if you have peripheral neuropathy, you’ve taken prescription medication and undertaken a wide range of your physician’s treatments. Odds are good that you’ve also tried one or more of these common natural treatments for neuropathy symptoms:

  • Vitamin supplements- help fight vitamin deficiencies, which can cause neuropathy
  • Cayenne pepper- contains capsaicin, a natural pain-relieving ingredient
  • Quit smoking
  • Exercise
There are plenty more treatments to help with the very painful symptoms of neuropathy, of course, but one way to mitigate those symptoms without radically changing your life by quitting smoking cold turkey or going on an extreme diet and exercise plan is laser lipo.
slim body laser spa

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

How Dr. Tred’s Laser Lipo Treatment can Help

Circulation and blood fat content are two of the main factors that contribute to neuropathy. Lowering the fat content in your blood and keeping your arteries clear of fatty build-ups is much easier if you lose weight. The faster your overall Body Mass Index (BMI) decreases, the less intense your neuropathy symptoms will become. Dr. Tred’s Slim Body Laser Spa offers a three-week treatment plan for overweight people trying to lose weight quickly. In only nine laser lipo sessions, you’ll see at least a three-inch reduction in subcutaneous fat bulges in any area of the body. Dr. Tred can target your belly, thighs, arms, and back to reduce fat in the areas where it collects the most often. 98% of Dr. Tred’s patients come out of his laser lipo plan at Slim Body Laser Spa satisfied with how they look and feel. By reducing your weight quickly, you can prevent some of the worst symptoms in the future and get back to feeling like yourself again. One recent patient at Slim Body Laser Spa said: “Having lost six and a half inches in three weeks, I am pleased with my laser treatment. It also gives me the incentive to lose more inches and stay with a healthier program. I am looking and feeling great.” Shaping your body and losing inches of fat off your frame isn’t only about looking good in a bikini, it’s also about creating good nutrition and movement habits that help you keep the weight off and avoid painful conditions like neuropathy. Contact Dr. Tred at Slim Body Laser Spa today to schedule a free consultation.