Laser lipo confuses many people. I get it. The word ‘laser’ can be frightening to many people because they visualize Star Wars and death rays. There are some laser lipo procedures out there that are more invasive than others. Some freeze the fat away, some try to burn it away. Traditional liposuction sucks the fat out from under your skin. But there are better ways to lose that extra subcutaneous (under the skin) fat lingering around your midsection and other parts of your body. Here in South Florida, everyone wants a beach-ready body, but as they age, that becomes more difficult to maintain.

laser lipo
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Why You Have Belly Fat

            Stubborn belly fat causes many weight loss specialists in South Florida headaches because everyone wants to look good for the weather we’re fortunate to enjoy here. In all seasons (except during hurricane warnings), we can go to the beach and soak up the sun. That motivates many people to try to lose not only those extra pounds but also attempt to shrink those pesky rolls of fat that hang around and refuse to melt away.

            Weight loss experts in South Florida get patients frequently who have been struggling to lose their midsection bulge for years and they know the struggle. The truth is, for some people of a certain age, it doesn’t matter how much exercise they do and how closely they monitor their eating, they will still have fat stored under the skin.

            If this is you, don’t panic or get down on yourself. The body stores fat under your skin naturally, an evolutionary process meant to save some extra energy for later in case of food shortages. Don’t get mad at your body for doing this. If our ancestors didn’t have this ability, we wouldn’t be here. As we age and our metabolism slows down, it becomes progressively harder to maintain our shape and lose those extra rolls of fat. Many people need help at this point. That’s where laser lipo comes in.

laser lipo
Photo by Gesina Kunkel on Unsplash

Laser Lipo the Dr. Tred Way

            Laser lipo is available in many different forms. There are honestly too many to describe here, but Dr. Tred Rissacher, a weight loss expert in South Florida, developed a safe, noninvasive, affordable, and easy way to melt fat away.

            Most patients who are eligible for this treatment start with a three-week, nine-session plan designed to shrink subcutaneous fat and keep it off. Some patients come in for additional treatments in different areas of the body, but many get the results they want after one, nine-session program.

            Dr. Tred performs a free consultation to see if his treatment will work for each patient. There are few restrictions on who is eligible for this high-tech weight loss procedure, so most people who visit Dr. Tred can be treated. Contact Dr. Tred and Slim Body Laser Spa to learn more about how this procedure works and how Dr. Tred can help you lose those pesky extra pounds still hanging around.