Are laser-assisted weight loss methods really safe for everyone? It’s a legitimate concern, and it’s not only because of the word ‘laser.’ Whenever any new technology enters the health and medical market, there’s always skepticism, and there should be, even for laser lipo in South Florida. After all, we wouldn’t put things on or in our bodies without doing some research on them first, right?

            You might be asking yourself, what is laser-assisted weight loss and why do I need it? Laser Lipo is becoming more popular throughout South Florida, why should you join the trend?

            There are several answers. First, don’t think that because it’s a laser-assisted weight loss treatment, it will burn your skin or lop off a chunk of your abdomen. These treatments are sometimes called “cold” laser treatments, because there is no damage to the skin at all. The laser affects the fat cells underneath the skin, causing them to reduce the amount of fat they hold. You might think of laser-assisted weight loss as a drastic measure, but many treatments see results after only a few sessions. Unlike surgical procedures, these options have very few side effects. There’s no recovery time and no scarring.

laser Lipo South Florida
Photo by Jennifer Burk on Unsplash

The Ideal Laser-Assisted Weight Loss Candidate

            Laser Lipo isn’t for everyone. It’s made to reduce subcutaneous fat, the fat that forms in rolls just under your skin, usually in your midsection. If you’re otherwise healthy, aside from being overweight, and you want to get rid of that fat you can squeeze between your fingers, laser Lipo options could be for you.

Many other factors could contribute to gaining weight even if you eat reasonably healthy foods and exercise. Underlying metabolic or physical issues could make this treatment not as effective as it would be for other patients. There’s also the issue of visceral fat, which surrounds organs, building up in different places and causing more serious problems. Usually, a laser Lipo expert in South Florida can schedule you for a free consultation to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for this treatment.

How Does it Work?

            The laser goes through the skin, not affecting it at all. It targets the fat cells under the skin, and essentially pokes holes in them. It might sound dangerous but it’s actually quite benign. The fat cells aren’t destroyed, which can cause unintended medical outcomes, such as the fat cells simply cropping up in different places. Instead, they release a bit of the fat they contain, which is flushed out by your lymphatic system.

            Multiple treatments are required to ensure that the fat cells don’t simply re-inflate themselves, but after a typical nine-week session, you’ll see a huge difference in your waistline and abdominal shape.

            For more information on this procedure and how it works, contact Dr. Tred at the Slim Body Laser Spa, with free consultations and plenty of treatment options for people who can’t get rid of that pesky fat around their middle.