Do you want to turn heads all around Stuart Florida in only 3 weeks?

Laser Body Contouring in Stuart Florida – Laser Lipo Spa treatment at Dr Tred’s Slim Body Laser Spa can get you the body you have always wanted at a price you can afford with ZERO side effects and no risks whatsoever.

WE specialize in abdomens, thighs, back fat, bra bulges, submental fat under the chin, arms and also spot fat reduction anywhere you might need the fat to be reduced. Since this is a Low Level Cold Laser technology it cannot and will not cause any heat or there is no possibility of tissue damage at all.

Once the fat has been safely released by the laser and used as energy by the body as long as you maintain good sound nutrition the fat most likely will not come back. There is NO RISK of fat migration or fat relocation as with most other procedures.

For good candidates it could be all that is needed to get the body you have always wanted in only 3 easy weeks.

No need for more invasive procedures like “Cool Sculpting” or RF devices like “Vanquish” or “Vela Shape” or “Safe Sculpt” hot lasers or god forbid “Lipo Suction.”

After meeting with DR Tred everything will be explained to you in a very easy to understand way. If you agree and he feels you would be a good candidate then you can begin a series of 9 relaxing laser lipo sessions which will sculpt and tighten skin and remove stubborn fat each and every time it is applied. There is no need to wait for results either. Our clients, both men and women can lose 3-9 inches of stubborn fat in only 9 sessions in 3 weeks.

The only thing you need to do is be willing to eat clean, eat light and show up for your sessions a little hungry.

The Laser Lipo will do the rest.

The Laser lipo will be applied to the area you wish to reduce in 9 – 30 minute sessions spaced out over 3 weeks. Immediately following the laser session you will be asked to stand on a whole body vibration plate for at least 10 minutes to help circulate and remove the fat which the laser had just released.

Once the fatty acids have been moved into the lymphatic system you should not eat for 2 more hours and remember to drink plenty of water to help flush those fatty acids so they will not come back.

Dr Tred is a licensed doctor of chiropractic and believes in good nutrition also. So ALL laser lipo plans include a nutritional evaluation with Dr tred and weight loss planning if you also need to lose weight while at our spa. The weight loss consulting and nutritional evaluation is all included in our price,. There are no hidden costs and no upsells.

Consultations are FREE and Dr Tred offers a money back guarantee that at least 3″ inches must be lost in the 9 sessions in 3 weeks or you will get a refund. Fortunately, since Dr tred is a doctor and also the owner he will only accept those clients he sincerely feels could benefit from his unique procedure. So what do you have to lose except some unwanted stubborn fat. Call today and begin to look and feel better right away.

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