If you’re struggling with weight loss, there are a few reasons you can’t get those last few pounds to slip away. Perhaps laser-assisted weight loss could be an option.

I make no judgments in this blog. If you’re reading this, you’re looking for ways to lose weight. At this stage, it doesn’t matter if you consider yourself “fat” or overweight, or anything else. The goal is to lose weight. The reasons behind wanting to lose weight are up to you. This is not an article made to scare you or call you names, only show you a few reasons why you’re still holding onto stubborn fat.

Laser lipo can help people lose weight without any of the scarring of plastic surgery or the pain of extreme dieting. Laser-assisted weight loss addresses several of the following reasons that you can’t shed that stubborn belly fat:

laser-assisted weight loss
Photo by Natasha Spencer from Pexels


Let’s start with a few of the obvious reasons for being overweight. On the most basic level, gaining weight is a function of your body absorbing more energy in the form of calories than it burns. The extra energy your body gets from food that isn’t used is usually stored in fat cells. Some fat is good, it protects the organs and can be used in cases of malnutrition. But fat can also build up in certain areas of the body, just under the skin, which can lead to fat build-ups and weight gained. The diet issue is made more complicated as you age, because your metabolism, or how your body breaks down food into energy, slows down over time. This means that your diet needs to change as your body changes to maintain a healthy weight.


Another obvious reason for gaining or losing weight you’ve heard a million times. Again, as your body changes, so must your exercise routine. Unfortunately, because of how our metabolism shifts as we age, the amount of exercise we need increases as our bodies age and the need for exercise increases.


Seriously, stress has a huge effect on your body. Stress hormones cause all kinds of physiological changes to your body in a short period of time. It can also affect your metabolism and mess with your feelings of being full or hungry. Stress hormones can sometimes tell your body to hold onto more excess energy than necessary, causing it to store more fat in cells under the skin.

laser-assisted weight loss
Picture by Bruce Mars at Pexel.


Age brings a host of more specific causes of weight gains and the inability to lose weight. In women, the menopausal transition causes many physiological changes, including, in many cases, weight gain. In men and women, metabolism slows, and, without diving into a medical textbook, changes how our bodies break down food. The body seeks to protect itself more as we age, and some processes start to slow down. The natural response to this is to store more fat, particularly around the midsection.

Laser-Assisted Weight Loss Options can Help

How can we battle all these factors to lose weight and keep ourselves looking and feeling great into middle age and beyond? The answer is laser-assisted weight loss options like laser lipo. There are many operations out there claiming to be laser-assisted weight loss solutions, but the easiest and most effective is the technique developed by Dr. Tred Rissacher. Contact Dr. Tred today to find out how he can help you.