Thyroid problems affect many people around the world, and the range of symptoms is wide. Hypothyroidism means your thyroid glands aren’t producing enough thyroid, a hormone that acts with your endocrine system to regulate your metabolism. For many people, if they have a problem with their thyroid gland, situated at the base of your neck, weight fluctuations often result.

Many things can go wrong with your thyroid glands, and almost all of them are unpreventable. Hyperthyroidism means your thyroid glands make too much of the hormone, resulting in nervousness, anxiety, weight loss, and more. If your glands don’t produce enough thyroid, the opposite symptoms often occur: fatigue, slow heart rate, depression, and weight gain.

Some people have thyroid issues and they don’t even know it. It always pays to ask your doctor if you’re feeling a little too tired or anxious, or if your weight is fluctuating unpredictably.

Losing weight when you have hypothyroidism can be extremely difficult, but outside of solving your thyroid issues, there are still steps you can take to help mitigate the weight gain symptoms associated with not enough thyroid.


Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Weight Loss with Hypothyroidism

It’s an easy trap to fall into. Hypothyroidism, caused by Hashimoto’s disease, thyroid removal surgery (usually to treat cancer or other growths), or radiation treatment damage, causes a modest weight gain. The pounds accumulate, often while you’re managing to practice what many weight loss experts call good ‘nutrition and movement,’ so you’re perplexed, then you become discouraged. Then you stop trying. Many people become obese this way.

Hypothyroidism is often blamed for obesity, but the condition is only one part of the equation. While this condition might start a weight gain, the vast majority of cases see a small weight increase. Weight gains can snowball quickly, however, so if you’re predisposed to gain weight because of a thyroid problem, you could gain significant weight before you can do anything about it.


Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Lose Weight, Even if You Have Thyroid Problems

Anyone who needs or wants to lose weight quickly has more options available to them than ever before. One effective method is Dr. Tred Rissacher’s laser lipo treatment available at his Slim Body Laser Spa in Stuart, Florida. This treatment consists of several sessions in which lasers target the fat cells under the skin where the buildup is the worst and get the cells to release the fat they hold there, which is flushed out of your system naturally.

Many similar weight loss options are painful or cause scarring, but Dr. Tred’s treatment has no concerns. A typical treatment schedule is nine sessions over three weeks after an initial consultation to determine if you’re eligible.

The result of this treatment is dramatic. People see huge differences in their body shape and overall weight quickly, which can often counteract the weight gain effects of hypothyroidism and get you ready for beach season before you know it.

Contact Dr. Tred to learn more about the procedure and set up a consultation. Lose weight without fighting against your own body.