How to Get Rid Of Belly Fat & Lose Weight the same day… Not Months or days

Losing weight today – Belly fat is one of the worst things to have on your body. It’s unhealthy, flabby, and quite frankly, just unattractive. We all know that losing belly fat is one of the keys to having a toned body, but doing so requires you to lose weight. This situation can be called a vicious circle that usually leads us to frustration and getting stuck in a rut.

Belly fat is often associated with the accumulation of excess weight, but many people don’t realize that it’s possible to lose belly fat without losing weight!

We all want to lose weight, but our bodies don’t always cooperate. Sometimes, even if you’re doing everything right, you can’t seem to drop those last few pounds. It might be because you’ve been carrying around a lot of excess fat in your midsection for so long that it’s hard to get rid of it—and it’s tough if you’re trying to burn off that stubborn belly fat.

But there is a solution: Dr. Treds Slim Body Laser Spa of Stuart!

With this advanced laser technology, you can finally get rid of stubborn belly fat and not worry about losing weight in other areas. Dr. Treds Slim Body Laser will help you maintain your current weight while getting rid of excess fat!

How does Dr. Treds Slim Body Laser work? Dr. Treds Slim Body Laser is an FDA-cleared  device that uses FDA approved low level (safe red light) laser technology to target and deflate but NOT destroy fat cells in the subcutaneous areas such as abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, chin, back fat, muffin tops, love handles etc.. The energy produced by the red light causes, after 6-8 minutes, microscopic pores to form in the fat cell wall at which point, when enough energy is received the contents of the fat cell, water, glycerol and free fatty acids  are released into the surrounding tissue which is quickly absorbed by the lymphatic system, carried to the liver, converted to glucose and your body burns this glucose for energy over the next two hours. No tissue damage, no swelling, no possibility of injury whatsoever. After a series of at least 9 sessions this leads to an almost permanent reduction in fat tissue, resulting in inch loss and smoother body contours.

The best part about this procedure is that it does not involve downtime or recovery time. You can return to work immediately after your treatment session or enjoy your weekend activities as usual!

There’s no time like today to take steps towards a slimmer, healthier you! If you’re ready to address that belly flab or possibly lose weight the laser “Easy Way” Then it is time to start a journey towards getting back in shape,

Dr. Treds is here to talk. Dr. Treds weight loss services and body sculpting services are perfect for anyone looking to shed fat quickly, safely, and permanently. I was very excited when I spoke to several clients who were completely enamored with their results and Dr Tred and his staff.

They offer a range of options to help you shed pounds and inches, so you can look and feel good in your skin! Call for Free consultation

Dr Treds Laser Lipo services