Blood sugar can be a tricky thing. Elevated levels of blood sugar when your body is fasting, or not eating, can be an indication of insulin resistance or diabetes. Elevated fasting blood sugar occurs when your blood sugar levels don’t naturally fall an hour after eating. Those with blood sugar issues know about the constant blood testing at just the right times, and the dietary restrictions doctors often placed on them.

While dieting and getting more exercise will help with virtually every problem related to being overweight or obese, there are other options out there that act as shortcuts to reducing your elevated fasting blood sugar and developing the healthy habits that will keep the insulin resistance and eventual Type 2 diabetes at bay.

elevated fasting blood sugar

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Elevated Fasting Blood Sugar Basics

A few facts about fasting blood sugar:

  • Fasting blood sugar depends on the contents of your last meal, the size of the meal, and the body’s ability to respond to and produce insulin.
  • According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), normal levels of fasting blood sugar are less than 5.7 percent. Up to 6.4 percent is considered pre-diabetic levels, while anything over that is considered a diabetic condition.
  • Limiting the intake of sugar and salt is one way to avoid high resting blood sugar levels. Eating whole-grain bread and pasta

What if you could take better control of your blood sugar levels by losing weight quickly and keeping it off?

elevated fasting blood sugar

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

Laser Lipo and Weight Loss

Many patients are scared off by laser lipo because of what the name of the weight loss procedure implies. However, Dr. Tred Rissacher’s laser lipo device developed for his Slim Body Laser Spa in Stuart, Florida doesn’t burn the fat away or lop off body parts. The lasers are simply used to target fat cells hiding under the skin, called subcutaneous fat. The fat cells release the fat stored there, which is released naturally from the body. There is no scarring or burning sensations at all.

Dr. Tred typically offers his laser lipo treatment as a three-week, nine-session plan. This allows the body to adapt to the lowered fat content and gives you a chance to adjust gradually to your new shape.

The reason why this treatment is so useful for keeping blood sugar levels under control is that losing weight quickly can help keep blood sugar, as well as blood fat levels, contained. As long as you don’t overdo it on the sweets, you’ll find it much easier to participate in what Dr. Tred calls ‘movement and nutrition.’ This isn’t some new, extreme diet plan, it’s simply an easy way to maintain the weight loss you’ll experience after your laser lipo treatment. By moving slightly more, not even participating in aerobic exercise, and watching your sugar, you’ll maintain your new body shape without worrying about blood sugar levels ever again.

Contact Dr. Tred today to schedule a free consultation and ask questions about how his revolutionary treatment can work for you.