The obesity epidemic continues to vex the medical community. People are gaining weight too fast at young ages, leading to a lifetime of medical complications. These days, it’s easier than ever to gain weight quickly and become obese for a variety of reasons, including the prevalence of cheap, unhealthy, fatty foods.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 39.8% of American adults were obese in 2015 and 2016. That’s 93.3 million people. Obesity is difficult to combat because individuals often have to change everything about their habits. Once you’re obese, it’s very difficult to drop large amounts of weight.

But you don’t need to despair just yet. In response to the troubling rise in obesity, there are options out there that can prevent or stop weight gains in their tracks. Dr. Tred Rissacher’s laser lipo treatment, offered at Slim Body Laser Spa in Stuart, Florida, offers a path to a healthy weight that doesn’t require drastic diets or extreme exercise routines.


Photo by Fidel Fernando on Unsplash

Laser Lipo Zaps Obesity

Dr. Tred’s laser lipo treatment works by targeting the fat cells just under the skin of your most problematic areas, usually around the waist, the arms, and thighs. This treatment only targets subcutaneous fat or the stuff your body stores under the skin to use as nutrients if food supplies run low. Your body is constantly storing fat for leaner times, because, what else should your body do with it? The problem is your body doesn’t need that fat these days. Since most of us have access to food at all times, much of it high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar, many gain weight quickly and struggle to lose it when it becomes a problem.

Laser lipo at Slim Body Laser Spa gets the fat cells hiding under the skin to release their fat, which is then flushed out of the body naturally. There’s no skin burning, scarring, or nasty side effects. In only three weeks and nine laser lipo sessions, you’ll notice a huge reduction in extra girth.


Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

Obese Struggles

Obese people struggle with all kinds of things, from mobility to public shaming. Unfortunately, these problems prevent many people from doing anything about their health issues.

Exercise is a huge problem for obese folks. They’ve been told for years to exercise more, yet their current body condition can make that almost impossible. Dr. Tred’s laser lipo treatment makes it possible to lose weight quickly and maintain a healthy weight without high-intensity training or eating nothing but plants.

The key is what weight-loss experts call nutrition and movement. By maintaining a minimal level of activity and exercise, even it’s just walking the dog around the block, you can keep those extra pounds off after a few sessions at Slim Body Laser Spa. This treatment melts away the fat so you can practice the nutrition and movement guidelines and maintain your new body shape.

Contact Dr. Tred to set up a free consultation and see how the laser treatment can best benefit you.