Being overweight at any age carries with it certain health risks that are difficult to shake. At the Slim Body Laser Spa in Stuart, Florida, Dr. Tred Rissacher has seen many patients of all ages come to him wishing to lose weight for this very reason. His patients are concerned they’ll have to deal with discomfort and worse for much of their lives if they don’t find a way to shape up quickly.

            Everyone has a different ideal weight for their body. If you’re tall, you’ll weigh more, no matter how much fat you have packed on to your frame. Other indicators of weight health, such as Body Mass Index (BMI) give healthcare professionals a better sense of what a “healthy weight” is for their patients as well. It’s common, therefore, for a person who weighs more than another to be healthier.

            The fact remains that being overweight causes health issues in everyone, particularly after we turn 50 years old. What are the risks and how can we avoid them?

Slim Body Laser Spa

Health Risks After 50

            The body is constantly changing for men and women, especially when we reach middle age. Our metabolism slows down. It becomes more difficult to maintain the exercise and diet routines we’ve established over our lives. And as we age, we run into more health risks, no matter what our weight is. The problem for many, as Dr. Tred at Slim Body Laser Spa knows, is that health issues can build up quickly for those who are overweight and a certain age.

            One risk is joint, tendon, and bone damage. Everyone’s joints and tendons, no matter how much wear and tear they’ve endured, begin to get more brittle and allow less range of motion when we reach a certain age. Joint problems, particularly in the knees and other parts of the legs, can be exacerbated by being overweight and putting more pressure on them.

            Another common risk for older, overweight people is the big one: heart disease. Did you know that cardiovascular problems is the top killer of Americans right now? You’re more likely to die from complications related to heart disease, for example, than of all forms of cancer. When your heart has to work harder to circulate blood through clogged arteries and a larger volume of your body than it’s used to, the risk of blockages rises.

Slim Body Laser Spa

Solutions from the Slim Body Laser Spa

            The Slim Body Laser Spa offers fast, effective, fat-elimination therapy to patients throughout South Florida. It can be nearly impossible to keep extra weight off after you turn 50 for a variety of reasons, most commonly because of a slowed metabolism and reduced exercise because of aches, pains, and past injuries.

            Dr. Tred’s patented laser fat removal process is a non-invasive procedure designed to get your fat cells just under your skin to release the fat they’re holding. There’s no freezing, burning, or cutting involved. Consider this fast, safe, weight loss method today to avoid many of the health risks involved with being overweight into middle age.