At Dr Treds Slim Body Laser Spa located here in Stuart Florida we are poised to deliver quick, consistent and predictable weight loss, laser body sculpting and spot fat reduction for people who might be left out of other programs due to specific pesky issues related to the 3 main pillars for successful weight loss.
  1. Food Choices
  2. Lack of Exercise
  3. Hormonal Changes and Stress
Many of you suffer from all of these issues and some suffer from just one or two of these issues. Here is an example of one of my clients, Joann whose only tool to maintain her weight was exercise. I always teach that if the only skill you have is exercise to keep weight off, your are doomed to failure since for most of us, the ability to exercise frequent enough to stop weight gain as you get older becomes much more difficult than when you are younger. Joann is a 58 year old female who, for the last 5 or 6 years has been experiencing weight gain primarily in her belly including stomach, muffin top and upper thighs. When she was younger she was extremely active exercising several times per week well into her 40s. As she stated “I have never had a weight problem ever. I could always eat what I wanted and just exercise it away. Recently, after turning 50 years old I am not able to get rid of my belly fat no matter how much I exercise. Everything I eat seems to go directly to my hips and belly and a thousand sit ups per day has not helped. i tried to diet however I just really don’t know what foods I can eat. There are so many diets and different programs. I just have had no luck with any of them. I went to my Ob Gyn and had my hormones tested and she said they were normal for someone my age who is experiencing menopause. I am frustrated and do not like the way I look or how I feel about myself. I came to Dr Tred for an answer to my weight gain and my inability to get this fat off on my own.” Joann’s problem is quite common. Exercise has been her main tool to maintain her weight, and figure. Eating or over eating for her was always counteracted by increasing her exercise. So she never developed good nutritional habits when she was younger, and so now with the changes that occur with getting older, like not as many chances to exercise, the changes to menopause,  the day to day stress of raising a family, 40+ hours at work and an injury from an auto accident several years back has left her unable to exercise. This would be fine if she also backed off on her caloric intake at the same time. But for her food has never been a problem, so why deprive herself of foods she has enjoyed for years and years. She has always been able to exercise it away. Well for her, this lack of concern for how many calories she was consuming and the poor quality of calories and the habit of skipping meals has lead her to gain a pound a month for the last 2-3 years gaining a whopping 36 pounds right in her mid section.  Her weight gain did not show in her arms, legs or face so it was easy to hide it by wearing loose fitting blouses, pull overs and darker clothing. But she knew how she looked in shorts and she would never take her clothes off and allow anyone to see her, even her own husband. She was that embarrassed. Her solution was to give her a good education about food, calories, frequency, and quality of calories. She needed to cut down on the simple carbs like bread, sweets, sodas and alcohol. She need to increase her daily intake of protein and fresh green vegetables. She also needed to stop skipping meals and eat the right amount at the correct time each and every day. Once we got her started on eating better her results from the Lipo laser were greatly enhanced and improved. She lost 9 inches of measured fat loss combining three measurements or 3 inches in girth reduction in only 9 sessions in three weeks. That was a drop of 2 dress sizes and a loss of 6 pounds in only 3 weeks. However she was not done there. She continued with our “Alumni” program and lost another 3 inches and lost 10 more pounds the second month and another 10 pounds the third month for a total inch loss of 12 inches, and 26 pounds by the third month. I believe her main issue was bad food habits. Not a lack of exercise or an imbalance of her hormones. as so many weight loss centers and other doctors tried to treat. Since we provide nutrition, laser body sculpting, whole body vibration and consultation with me Dr Tred you have the perfect three solutions to your weight and or body gain problems. No doctors office, gym or weight loss center that I am aware of offers all three solutions at the same time. This is what has set us apart from others.